Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Where is Changnyeong English Village

Changnyeong English Village -CEV as we like to call it- is located in the Gyeongsangnamdo region of South Korea. 

Here it is on Google maps!

We are located in a small farming community where rice, onions, and garlic are grown. Yes, it is a rural area but it's surrounded by beautiful fields and mountains. It quite a nice view!

What about Transportation?
Buses come by our school on a timed schedule. It costs 1,200 Korean Won to ride the local bus to Changnyeong, which is where the nearest bus terminal is located.

Taxis are always driving by too, and they are relatively cheap here in. For the approximately eight-minute ride to Changnyeong, it cost around 8-9,000 Won.

Once you make it to the bus terminal, you can take a bus to Busan (Pusan); it's about a one-hour ride. Daegu, third-largest city in Korea, is just 30 minutes or so away. The terminal has buses to other places as well. However, the above-mentioned are two of the most popular among foreigners in Changnyeong.

You might be thinking, "YUCK, a bus," but in Korea public transportation is amazing and everyone uses it.

This is our town in the fall. This picture is taken from the mountain behind our school. You can see our apartment building at the bottom left of the photo.

Another Fall picture of the school. We live in the apartment building on the left.

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